To bridge the gap from school to university study, to revise or find the maths topic you missed, you will want to meet mathtutor. Video tutorials, with diagnostics, summary text and exercises, take you through more than eighty topics in the way you choose. Arranged on seven DVD-Rom disks, you can view and work with them online. Or you can buy the disks, individually or as a set.
If you would like to purchase a complete set of disks, or individual disks, please click here:
To make contact with us, please click here.
The Makers
We are a group of teachers, mathematicians and new media producers from the Universities of Leeds, Loughborough and Coventry and EBST. Mathtutor was funded with generous support from the HEFCE Fund for the Development of Teaching & Learning and the Gatsby Technical Education Project in association with the Higher Education Academy.
The mathtutor team are closely involved in the development of the sister site mathcentre. mathcentre contains a vast range of resources to help students and their teachers during the transition to university level mathematics, including all mathtutor resources. The site also contains advice for those wishing to establish or enhance their own mathematics support provision.
Click here to visit mathcentre