Who Makes Mathtutor?

We are a group of teachers, mathematicians and new media producers from the Universities of Leeds, Lougborough and Coventry and the former EBST Trust.
Mathtutor has been funded with generous support from the HEFCE Fund for the Development of Teaching & Learning and the Gatsby Technical Education Project in association with the Higher Education Academy. This mathututor upgrade has been possible thanks to the support of the JISC.
How to use Mathtutor?
Clicking a title from the left hand 7 subjects will open up a list of topics, each one having a video tutorial, support text, diagnostic test and an exercise to do. Some topics also have an extension film and/or an animation to accompany them.
Work through at your own pace, pausing, rewinding, testing and exploring until you've grasped the concept. Mathtutor is not a course and does not offer accreditation - but it does offer excellent revision possibilities! So off you go. Get stuck in!'